Gpl License is 100% legal. All themes and plugins are released under the GPL (General Public License)
Freedom to Use
The GPL grants users the freedom to use the software for any purpose, whether personal, commercial, or educational.
Freedom to Modify
Users are allowed to modify the software to suit their needs. This includes adding new features, fixing bugs, or adapting the software to work in different environments.
Freedom to Distribute
Users can distribute copies of the software to others, either in its original form or as modified versions. This means that users can share the software with friends, colleagues, or the wider community.
Copyleft Provision
One of the key features of the GPL is its copyleft provision. This provision ensures that any derivative works or modifications of the original software must also be distributed under the same GPL license terms. In other words, if you distribute a modified version of GPL-licensed software, you must make the source code available to others and grant them the same freedoms that you received under the GPL.
The GPL is compatible with other open-source licenses, allowing developers to incorporate GPL-licensed code into projects with different licenses.
Does provide license keys?
No, we do not provide, lease, release, or resell license keys. All the products offered on this website are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). You do not need license keys to use your projects, regardless of how many products you need. License keys are only required if you want to receive automatic updates and support from the author of a plugin or theme.
Are the files and downloads legal?
Yes, all themes, plugins, add-ons, and WooCommerce extensions distributed by our repository are 100% open-source with the GNU GPL.
Are these genuine products?
Yes, all of our products are 100% authentic. If we feature a product on our website, then we have an active subscription to that product’s author(s). We download the product from them and redistribute it to you. These downloads are not altered in any way.
Are you the developer of these files? is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, nor is it in any way related to third-party developers, including WordPress, WooCommerce, WooThemes, Elegant Themes, Rocketgenius Inc., GravityForms, iThemes, OnTheGoSystems, AppThemes, etc.
How many sites can I use the plugin or theme on?
As many as you like. Seriously, there are no catches. The plugins and themes are GPL-licensed, and you can use them as often as you need to, on however many sites you choose. Have a friend who’s building a website? Share our plugins and themes with them, too.
Do you provide updates to the products?
Yes, as soon as we are notified about an update, we download it from the author and update it on our site.
Overall, the GPL is designed to promote collaboration, innovation, and the sharing of knowledge within the software community. It has been instrumental in the development of many popular open-source projects, including the Linux operating system, the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), and the WordPress content management system.